How PLU stickers are safe for the environment

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Humans have already done a lot of damage to the environment and now is the time when everything needs to be good for the environment. A little thing with a lot of bad effects is the PLU sticker on your fruit if it is not made the right way. Some manufacturers are providing bad quality things while some provide stickers made with the right materials.

Knowing that the stickers are made with the right materials people often ask are PLU stickers edible or not. If you also have such questions in your mind here, you will get an answer to all of those questions.

A lot of people do not believe but the PLU stickers made these days are safe for the environment. The following are how these stickers are safe for the environment.

All stickers are made according to FDA approval

The first one is that these stickers are made according to FDA approval. FDA is the food and drug administration that allows anything to come in direct contact with anything edible.

When we say that the stickers are made according to the FDA approval, it means that they are not harmful to the inner fruit. However, if you are thinking are PLU stickers edible or not then the answer is most probably no.

The paper used for these PLU stickers is safe for the environment

The real issue about the PLU stickers of the past was that they were made with plastic. Plastic is not decomposable and takes centuries to decompose. So, now these stickers are being made with paper making things safer for the environment as paper decomposes quickly and easily as compared to plastic.

Accidentally eating these stickers will not cause a health condition

Are PLU stickers edible? No. However, if you accidentally eat them there will be no health condition.

  • The thing about eating these stickers is that they are not good in terms of taste and texture.
  • Additionally, accidentally biting on a PLU sticker may worsen your experience of eating that fruit.
  • So, even if you eat one you do not need to worry as there will not be any severe issue.

At the same time, you must understand that eating one is not recommended at all.

The ink and glue are not harmful to the environment

One amazing thing about these PLU stickers is that they are made with the right materials. The 2 out of 3 materials after paper are the ink and the glue. Now both of these can wash out in the drain and collectively cause damage for the agricultural areas as well as the marine life.

However, none of these bad effects on the environment is caused by these stickers because the ink and glue used are good for the environment.

Final Verdict

The PLU stickers available a few years ago were not as good for the environment mainly because of the materials used for them. However, now the PLU stickers are safe for the environment. In this way, PLU stickers bring more value for us. Get the best PLU stickers for your business at American Price Mark.